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Quarantine Glow with Home Care! (Limited time discount code below)

Quarantine Glow with Home Care! (Limited time discount code below)

I hope you are all staying safe during these troubling times. I thank all of you who are doing your part by practicing social-distancing and staying home, as this DOES help contain the virus. This is as much for the community and the country as it is for yourselves!  Thank you to all the front-line hospital heroes, as they are battling with very limited resources- I pray for protection over them. I also pray for all the families that are affected by the economic downturn.  

Now is a great time as any to practice #skincare as #selfcare right at home! Can’t get to your regular appointment with your aesthetician? No need to neglect or sacrifice your skincare but rather, remember to stay consistent! Get yourself on a Mask Moments plan, as it’s times like this that requires us to continue with a regular routine in our lives and strive to adjust to a new normal.  Life doesn’t have to stop. Instead, take the time to care for yourself and your family, to remind yourselves of what’s important- not to panic or live in fear but by acting calmly, responsibly and practically. 

Some things to remember as we adopt practical adjustments: 

  1. Take this seriously!  You may not feel like your day to day is affected and that there are more serious things in life, but this is more about needing to do YOUR part by staying home, helping preserve resources, and containing a pandemic that affects everyone. Being young doesn’t make you immune, and even if you didn’t fall ill from it, you may help spread the virus to someone else that may not be so lucky.
  2. Practice good personal hygiene. Wash your hands, wash your clothes (yes, even your PJs), wipe down surfaces, cough into your elbow when you need to, try not touch your face, etc. Wear a mask when you can- this is for other people! The best way to think about this is not “what if I catch the virus from someone?” but rather, “if I do have COVID-19, how can I not contaminate others around me?” 
  3. Adopt to new social norms by discouraging gatherings, scaling down group activities and generally maintaining some physical distance from one another. 
  4. Be prepared by managing resources, conserving, and planning ahead. While there’s no need to panic and hoard supplies, we do need to be mindful of the economic impact that this will have as the world heads toward a recession and this could impact some industries directly and others indirectly.
  5. Look out for one another.  Facetime call or have a Zoom party with you friends and family and especially those that need assistance that may be feeling particularly isolated.  It’s important to stick together during uncertain times.
  6. Even if you are quarantined at home, stick to a regular routine. This includes working out as you are home more and may be moving less.  Take care of your skin, air out your environment, keep busy, eat healthy- all that keeps your immunity and spirits high.
  7. Remember the front-line workers.  We need to do our part to #flattenthecurve and #stayathome so that we help reduce resources that need to go to hospitals, first responders, nurses, researchers and doctors. Be mindful, make mask donations, request our representatives to take action, ask the medical staff around us how we can support them, or simply offer encouragement with a word of thanks and let them know we are grateful for their service. 
  8. Lastly, take a Mask Moment! Take a moment to remember that as a group, we are resilient, strong and great at adapting.  We can defeat this by staying vigilant, working together, and each doing our part. 

We want to encourage those of you who are staying at home and help you get through quarantine with a limited time discount code to our masks. You can stay fab indoors by using discount code: “Homecare10” to get 10% off of any purchase through the month of April. (Applies to subscriptions and non-subscriptions but no the promotional masks.)   

Try Mask Moments for $1 today 


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